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Samyang Foods Co., Ltd full of love and happiness

Sustainable Management Samyang Foods pursues sustainable management by fulfilling social responsibilities and establishing a transparent and fair governance.

Implementation Strategies

Achievements (2023)

  • Safety · Health · Environment

    Fulfilling roles and responsibility as a global company

    • Acquire management
      system : ISO45001, 14001

    • Install solar system for renewable energy at Miryang Plant

    • Develop eco-friendly products

  • Ethic · Human Rights

    Establishment of healthy ethical value
    and compliance of basic ethics and regulations

    • Support ESG assessment
      of joint ventures

    • Establish compliance system

    • Conduct evaluation of human rights impact

  • Consumer Centered Management

    Promoting consumer rights and
    contributing welfare of customer

    • Diversify products and services
      (Vegan, animal welfare, and braille package)

    • Launch of corporate social responsibility products

    • Run consumer satisfaction program

  • Social Contribution (=CSR)

    Making the world better by sharing

    • Donated delicious foods

    • Provided scholarship

    • Supported arts
      and culture

  • Governance

    Establishing professional management
    system through checks and balances

    • Strengthening company governance
      (the standardized decision-making process)

    • Strengthening Shareholder-friendly policy
      (share buyback, Mid-term dividend policy)

    • Management shareholder rights
      (adopting electronics voting, disclose voting rights of stockholders)

104, Opaesan-ro 3-gil, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, Korea | Samyang Foods Co., Ltd

※ Export Inquiry
Asia(ost2@samyangfoods.com) / Southeast Asia(ost3@samyangfoods.com) / Japan(info@samyangfoods.co.jp)
China(samyangchina@samyangfoods.net) / Europe, Oceania(ost4@samyangfoods.com)
Middle East Asia, Africa(ost5@samyangfoods.com) / America(Inquiry@samyangamerica.com)