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Samyang Foods Co., Ltd full of love and happiness

Sustainable Management Samyang Foods pursues sustainable management by fulfilling social responsibilities and establishing a transparent and fair governance.

Consumer Centered Management

What is CCM?

  • Consumer Centered Management(CCM)

    is the system for evaluating and certifying whether all activities of a company are customer-centric and customer-related management is continuously improved. It is run by the Korea Consumer Agency and certified by the Fair Trade Commission.

CCM Certificate

Global Food Safety System

104, Opaesan-ro 3-gil, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, Korea | Samyang Foods Co., Ltd

※ Export Inquiry
Asia(ost2@samyangfoods.com) / Southeast Asia(ost3@samyangfoods.com) / Japan(info@samyangfoods.co.jp)
China(samyangchina@samyangfoods.net) / Europe, Oceania(ost4@samyangfoods.com)
Middle East Asia, Africa(ost5@samyangfoods.com) / America(Inquiry@samyangamerica.com)